Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good morning canadamn...

Good night, good morning, and only a headache because my krebs cycle is in disrepair. Anyone have a cure for a slight hang over? Yes, don't drink silly. Anyways, after coffee and spreading the word on the gallery, I went out with the Bike Guy. Now, this bike guy has a bad street rep, but I find him interesting, highly inteligent, yet very set in his ways. If you know who I'm talking about, you probobally know him better. Anyways, he has been a semi-good influence on me, and is like a brother who takes you out, introduces you to his friends, then sends you home at the end of the night, and then always smiles when you comeback and complain of the hangover that he's had all day and not even mentioned to anyone, because complaining of a headache doesn't make it better I don't think, and I don't know if it just makes it worse.

Anyways, l'hopital is having some function, so if I get off work, resquedual an apointment, and avoid my new apartment/hole in the wall (literally almost) I might make it to have the door open at show gallery by 5 or so, and hope someone drops by and sits and talks, or else I'll just sit in the coffee shop and waste some time with delightful M, or Grumpy C (although they seem to have the capacity to both be grumpy and delightful, they just need to stop working 16 hour shifts and enjoy the life they espout all day. Sorry guys, I know you try hard and hope only the best for you and your nice organization.

I always love when new shops open, and am sad when old shops close. I guess its just a cycle in life, which is unavoidable. One person gets to live their dream for however long they can, and another has theirs crumble for all the world to see. Well, thats what I think when ever I see someone moving into a store front or a going out of buisness sale or empty shop. Maybe yin and yang, who knows? Not me.

I'll update you later blog, when I see how the rest of the day goes. At least I have a little white box to type in right now, and I actually hope no one reads it, haha, embarassing, but it's e-exposure, and if anyone does stumble upon it and get me to admit I wrote this, then maybe it will save some time in introducing myself, again, who knows? Not me. Yes I know, the old socratic "he who admits to knowing nothing knows the most", yet that didn't save him and only created the man we know as plato, who ever he was, or is, or could have been/is... I said is twice, excuse my use of english verbs, I am a native speaker, not a studiede.s.l., so I have tr0uble with the verb to be, in all its tenses. Maybe you could help me? Nah... I should just learn and make mistakes on my own.

Ok, so, to you, shapless void that existed before the earth, and now resides in a virtual abyss that we know as of the internets, where ever they are really located,

Good day, and good night.

Part 2: Later that day...

For a day that went pretty well, I feel pretty lousy. Whine whine whine. Artist Douglas wasn't very enthusiastic about having to leave the gallery. I feel bad for him, but he's three weeks and I've tried my best, but nothing sold and few people came in, which makes me sad because he has some very beautiful work if you just take the time to look. But alas, the gallery is a ghost town, and I am having trouble keeping up the energy to keep trying to get it running smoothly, or as smoothly as it ever has run. Mike come back... but I know, he has things to deal with no doubt, but it's pretty lonely being in there, though it is sometimes a good place just to go hide from the world.

I'm debating making this less personal, I'm kind of worried what people will think if they read it, and the internets's are a scary place. Is this good for the gallery? Is this good for me? Is this actually helping the community, or am I just trying some vain attempt to fit in somewhere? Sigh. I'm becoming less comfortable at the coffee shop, it's becoming busier, and I've spent too much money there, but I guess one less customer at this point won't make a big difference. I like it there though, but I don't know, I just feel like I'm imposing myself on people, and such, though I imagine most people just ignore me, and I take alot of the people who work there's time, and I try and buy from them and had this idea that I could help them stay in buisness and bring people in, but alas, I think I scare more people away. Flower shop seems to be going well, not sure if I'll be able to keep up the physical side of it the way I have, and I just feel awkward being there, but I guess I'm awkward everywhere, so I may as well get paid to do it. I keep trying to introduce flower shop guy, coffee shop gal, and art gallery dude, yet they all are too busy. Is it too much to ask that they all have flowers and coffee and art? Hahaha, I know, a pipe dream, but I mean it would be mutually benefitial and great for things, at least I think, but buisness owners/operators like to do things their own way, and they've earned the right to do it their way, and so I should probobally lay off with the, hey come meet him/her/them and just go in and get out and try and do something else with my time. Like sleep. Ahh sleep, how I miss you right now.

Anyways, enough of me gripping, hope to see you all (assuming there is a you all out there) at the opening on july 2nd at the gallery, and what not. Later folks.

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